Yan Rocca

Cattery: Cherry Lau / Breed: Sphynx / Gender: M / Date of birth: 27-04-2018

Offspring and Parents Pedigree Test results

Number of generations: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 | Inbreeding: 0% in 4 generations

Cherry Lau Yan Rocca (Sphynx)
HCM: negative
Best Show *RU Prometheus (Sphynx)
HCM: negative HCM: negative HCM: negative HCM: negative HCM: negative HCM: negative
Cats Paradise P'Rooney (Sphynx)
Tsenturion JanYan (Sphynx)
HCM: negative HCM: negative
Cats Paradise Valencia (Sphynx)
Best Show *RU Zlata (Sphynx)
HCM: negative
Tsenturion JanYan (Sphynx)
HCM: negative HCM: negative
Isida Deluxe Dessin (Sphynx)
Infinite Joy Neilly (Sphynx)
HCM: negative HCM: negative HCM: negative
Argentum Zanzarah King Size (Sphynx)
Infinite Joy Zum Zum (Sphynx)
Infinite Joy Cometa (Sphynx)
Infinite Joy Gav (Sphynx)
Infinite Joy Zum Zum (Sphynx)
Infinite Joy Joy Whisky (Sphynx)

Number of generations: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 | go back to pedigree