Latest test results

Date Cat Test Result Specialist Remarks
05-02-2010 Skin Amon and Spice HCM negative Rosenthal and Tyrrell
29-09-2012 Simply Simon HCM negative Rosenthal S. (Steven)
29-09-2012 Raphael HCM negative Rosenthal S. (Steven)
12-09-2011 Raphael HCM negative Blischok-Lapekas D. (Darlene)
14-01-2011 Raphael HCM negative Rosenthal and Tyrrell
20-08-2012 Mam'Selle HCM negative Cober R. (Richard)
09-06-2012 In Bloom HCM negative Rosenthal and Tyrrell
14-05-2011 In Bloom HCM negative Rosenthal S. (Steven)
02-05-2010 In Bloom HCM negative Rosenthal and Tyrrell
21-08-2013 Holy Moses HCM negative Pogue B. (Brandon)