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M/F Name Cattery Breed Birth
Sire Dame
F Enjole Spice
Nofurkiti Sphynx 08-07-2001 Batman Blossom
M No Furs
Horus Unknown unknown unknown
M Merlin the Magician
Acrobatkitty Sphynx 21-03-2004 Tuxedo Cuddling Cleo in the Night
F Notical Tootsie
Argentum XSH 06-01-2004 unknown unknown
F Cuddling Cleo in the Night
Argentum Sphynx 12-08-2002 Nude Romeo Naked Ms Pepper
F Amelie
Acrobatkitty Sphynx 04-03-2007 Ozymandias Horus Prissypot Zekia
F Fefina
Nu Art Sphynx Patrick Lira
F Cleopatra
Mistery Cats Off Egypt Sphynx Boriska Senyari
F Anukis
HCM: negative
Mistery Cats Off Egypt Sphynx 21-04-2008 Keano Senyari
M Aurum
Nolascastle Sphynx foundation foundation