Heer N. de (Natascha)

Diergeneeskundig Centrum Noord Nederland
Espelerlaan 77
8302 DC Emmeloord

Make an appointment: Phone to the clinic. Please, indicate when making the appointment
that you want to test within the health programme. Make sure to remember to download the
form yourself and fill in all the cat and owner information prior to the examination.

Datum Kat Test Resultaat Opmerkingen
06-04-2017 Precious Toodles HCM negatief
06-04-2017 Precious Toodles PKD echo negatief
09-02-2017 Donny HCM negatief
09-02-2017 Floddertje HCM negatief
17-09-2015 Piertje HCM negatief
05-05-2014 Collin Ford HCM negatief
22-12-2016 Douglas HCM positief
08-09-2015 Ayla PKD echo negatief
08-09-2015 Ayla HCM negatief
27-02-2014 Shakira Savanna HCM negatief