
Cattery: Artnudeveau / Breed: Sphynx / Gender: F / Date of birth: 20-05-2016

Offspring and Parents Pedigree Test results

Number of generations: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 | Inbreeding: 0% in 5 generations

Artnudeveau Maleficent (Sphynx)
HCM: negative
Blancanieves Magnus (Sphynx)
HCM: negative HCM: negative HCM: negative
Abbskatz Ancona (Sphynx)
Advish Orabill Cameron (Sphynx)
Alopecia Sirius Benjiro Star (Sphynx)
Nofurkiti Cairo Dottie Blanca (Sphynx)
Naked Utopia Cloud (Sphynx)
Bald'N'Beautiful Mars (Sphynx F3)
Bald'N'Beautiful Venus (Sphynx)
Lunabella Jakonda (Sphynx)
Wizardgate Lucky (Sphynx)
HCM: negative
Wizardgate Dragon Slayer (Sphynx)
Wizardgate Jacked Up To Jesus (Sphynx)
Lunabella Rose Bourbon (Sphynx)
Lunabella Charey (Sphynx)
Lunabella Aurika Aqua (Sphynx)
Filbitru Bald Katmando (Sphynx)
HCM: negative
Filbitru Tenaciosly Bald (Sphynx)
Ramilypan Waytogo (Sphynx)
HCM: positive HCM: positive HCM: negative
Edition of Luxe E-Sevilland (Sphynx)
HCM: negative
Esmerald Dragon (of the) Atomic Spiced Cake (Sphynx F3)
HCM: negative
Filbitru Madie Bare (Sphynx)
Filbitru Garibaldi (Sphynx)
Filbitru BaldNBeautiful (Sphynx)
Filbitru Furless Destiny (Sphynx)
Skindividual Castor (Deceased) (Sphynx)
HCM: negative HCM: negative HCM: negative HCM: negative HCM: negative HCM: negative
Jumandgi Zineddin Zidana (Sphynx)
HCM: negative
Friday Kismet (Sphynx)
HCM: negative
Sphynx Olympen Andromeda (Sphynx)
Sayyad Forest Song (Sphynx)
HCM: negative HCM: negative
Disernas Fornarina (Sphynx)
HCM: negative HCM: negative

Number of generations: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 | go back to pedigree