Glovonna Sweater

Cattery: Britanya / Breed: Sphynx F2 / Gender: F / Date of birth: 24-05-1992

Offspring and Parents Pedigree Test results

Other information

Bloodtype ?


Sire Dame
Kojak Ophelia You Are All Naked


M/F Name Cattery Breed Birth
F Yellow Nose Strayinc Sphynx 08-05-1995 Nude Indigo
M Billy The Nek Kid Britanya Sphynx 10-11-1994 Nude Indigo
F Netty No Biting Britanya Sphynx F3 10-11-1994 Nude Indigo
M Shootform Shinola Britanya Sphynx 08-06-1994 Cream Odie Crop
F Crackling Rosie Britanya Sphynx F2 08-03-1994 Cream Odie Crop
F Vendetta Britanya Sphynx F3 Nude Indigo