Bambino Bono

Cattery: Beauty / Breed: Bambino F1 / Gender: M / Date of birth: 04-05-2013

Offspring and Parents Pedigree Test results

Other information

Bloodtype ?


Sire Dame
Meatloaf Dior


M/F Name Cattery Breed Birth
F Iona
HCM: negative
Prun's Pride Bambino F1 07-02-2017 Lollypop
M I'm Prada
PKD echo: negative HCM: negative
Prun's Pride Bambino 16-12-2015 Pomkin
F I.m Athena
HCM: negative
Prun's Pride Bambino F1 01-04-2015 Pomkin
M I'm Julles Prun's Pride Bambino 01-04-2015 Pomkin
F I'm Lilly
PKD echo: negative HCM: negative
Prun's Pride Sphynx F1 24-12-2014 Jayda
F Im Missy
PKD echo: positive HCM: negative
Prun's Pride Bambino F1 06-05-2014 Taboe Zora
M I'm Zeff
HCM: negative HCM: negative HCM: negative
Prun's Pride Bambino F1 25-04-2014 Conny
M I'm Crius Prun's Pride Sphynx F1 Conny
F Im Bella
PKD echo: negative HCM: negative
Prun's Pride Bambino F1 Taboe Zora
M Lucky
PKD dna: negative PKD echo: negative HCM: negative
Prun's Pride Bambino F1 Pomkin