
Cattery: Piramide / Breed: Sphynx / Gender: M / Date of birth: 24-03-2014

Offspring and Parents Pedigree Test results

Number of generations: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 | Inbreeding: 0% in 4 generations

Piramide Nicolas (Sphynx)
Veterinary Cardiac Genetics Laboratory (HCM) Testing) from Dr. Meurs: positive heterozygous HCM: negative HCM: negative PKD echo: negative HCM: negative HCM: negative HCM: negative HCM: negative HCM: negative HCM: negative
Joser Yvon (Sphynx)
Joser Hamilton (Sphynx)
HCM: negative
Baby Rah Richmond (Sphynx)
Joser Laila (Sphynx)
Baby Rah Philadelphia (Sphynx)
HCM: negative
Baby Rah Moon Kiss Tarkus (Sphynx)
HCM: negative
Baby Rah Indiana (Sphynx)
Piramide Filadelfiya (Sphynx)
HCM: negative
Soleil (du) Vegas (Sphynx)
Dargento Neron Atiss (Sphynx)
Argentum Jipsi Lilu (Sphynx)
Florens Latoia (Sphynx)
Marinika Rafaella (Sphynx)
Dakota Frida (Sphynx)

Number of generations: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 | go back to pedigree